

Testing Office Procedures and Regulations

  • The test will be given on the day and at the time scheduled.
  • You will be assigned a seat.
  • Testing aids are not permitted at the Testing Office. These include but are not limited to pens, pagers, beepers, graphing calculators, watch calculators, books, pamphlets, notes, rulers, highlighter pens, stereos or radios with headphones, telephones, cell phones, watch alarms (including those with flashing lights or alarm sounds), stopwatches, smart watches, dictionaries, translators, and any electronic or photographic devices.
  • You may not eat, drink, or use tobacco during the test.
  • ID verification at the test center is required and may include a driver's license, passport, military ID, or state ID. Without proper identification, you will not be permitted to test.
  • You may not communicate with anyone (other than test center staff) about the content of the test while the test session is in progress.
  • No test taker will be admitted after test materials have been distributed.
  • You will not be permitted to leave the Testing Office or testing site vicinity during the test session or during breaks.
  • Access to telephones and personal items, such as a cell phone, briefcase, or study materials, will not be permitted during the test session.
  • Under no circumstances may test questions or any part of a test be removed, reproduced, and/or disclosed by any means (e.g., hard copy, verbally, electronically) to any person or entity.
  • You must have the testing supervisor's permission to leave the room during the test. Any time lost cannot be made up.
  • The testing supervisor is the official timekeeper. You will not be permitted to continue the test or any part of it beyond the established time limit. Watch alarms are not permitted.
  • Answers to multiple-choice questions recorded in the test book will not be scored. You may use the test book to work out your answers, but you must mark all your answers on the separate answer sheet before time is called.
  • Visitors are not allowed in the examination room while testing is in progress.
  • At the conclusion of the test, you will be required to return your test book and answer sheet to the test staff.
  • All personal items must be stored in a locker outside of the Testing office (a lock will be provided).
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Day of the Test

Please review the following points before the day you are scheduled to test:

  • If you do not have a 足彩平台 parking pass, you MUST purchase a visitor parking pass with Parking Services. Please contact Parking Services directly if you have any questions. 
  • You should arrive 15 minutes early to check in for your exam at the specified location.
  • You must present a valid government-issued ID, driver's license, passport, military ID, or state ID). Tests will not be administered to anyone without a valid photo ID.
  • You may use a non-graphing calculator (scientific) only for the Math Placement test. A calculator will be provided to you.
  • You must bring payment, if required, for the exam. Exams requiring payment will not be administered without full payment due at the time of the exam. Please be aware of the Testing Office's payment requirements and policies.
  • You must pay any Testing Office administration fee ($40) prior to the start of your examination (this fee can be paid by exact cash, check, or money order). If you are a 足彩平台 student, this fee will be charged to your 足彩平台 student bill.
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Grounds for Dismissal

The Testing Office administrator/supervisor is authorized to dismiss you from a test session or cancel your scores for any of the following:

  • Attempting to take the test for someone else
  • Failing to provide acceptable identification
  • Obtaining improper access to the test, a part of the test, or information about the test
  • Using notes or any prohibited aid in connection with the test
  • Creating a disturbance (disruptive behavior in any form will not be tolerated; the test administrator/supervisor has sole discretion in determining what constitutes disruptive behavior)
  • Attempting to give or receive assistance or otherwise communicate in any form with another person about the test during the administration
  • Exceeding the time permitted for a scheduled break
  • Working on a part of the test or marking your answer sheet after time has been called
  • Eating or drinking in the testing room
  • Leaving the testing room or Testing Office vicinity without permission
  • Removing or attempting to remove a test book, test questions, or portion of a test in any format from the testing room
  • Failing to follow any of the test administration regulations given by the test administrator or specified in any test materials
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Photo ID Policy

In conjunction with Testing Office standards to ensure that no students gain an advantage over other students and to protect the validity of test scores, 足彩平台 will not administer a test to any candidate who does not present proper identification.

Photo identification is required of all students using the Testing Office. Acceptable identification includes:

  • Valid driver's license
  • Valid active duty or reserve military ID
  • Passport
  • Valid state ID

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Security Policy

The Testing Office is committed to maintaining the security of all exams, tests, quizzes, and answer keys for which it is responsible. While we have always maintained the following guidelines, we believe formal documentation of our policy is necessary. Using the guidelines established by the Educational Testing Service, the following test security policy is in effect:

All placement tests, scored tests, and quiz answer keys, including faculty tests/quizzes and National tests, are stored in locked cabinets. Access to these cabinets is limited to Testing Center personnel.

Upon completion of the test, the disposition of the test is entered in the same log. We do not return exams through intercampus mail for security purposes. Tests, which are to be held for pickup, are replaced in the appropriate bin.

Testing Office Procedures

  • Photo identification is required of all students using the Testing Office. Acceptable identification is a valid driver's license, valid active duty or reserve military ID, valid student identification card (Placement Testing only), passport, or valid state ID.
  • Students entering the Testing Office are required to store all personal items and belongings, books, and notes in the locker provided. Please note that the Testing Office is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items that are stored in the locker or any other areas on campus. For this reason, we recommend refraining from bringing any personal items.
  • Students are not permitted to remove tests or scrap paper from the Testing Office.
  • Without specific instructions, students are not permitted to begin a test, leave the Office, or return at a later time to complete the test. Students are responsible for allowing time to complete their tests. Brief restroom breaks are permitted, but only one student at a time may go out to the restroom. If a proctor judges that a student on a restroom break is out of the Office for an unusually long time, the Testing Office supervisor will be notified.
  • Testing Office personnel make every effort to seat candidates apart from one another.
  • No scores are given over the phone.
  • Cell phones, calculators, dictionaries, personal digital assistants, and spell-checkers are not permitted unless specifically allowed. Proctors may not assist students on any aspect of any test except to clarify test instructions.
  • Every effort is made to begin tests on time. If a test runs too long, there is the possibility of interfering with another test. No late arrivals will be permitted into the testing room except in extreme circumstances. Late arrivals must reschedule.
  • Test materials are not to be left in the testing rooms. All test materials must be taken out of the testing rooms after administration and returned to their proper location.
  • The Testing Office is staffed at all times by at least one staff person. During peak periods and for special test sessions, staffing is increased as necessary.

Testing Irregularities

  • In the event that a testing irregularity occurs, the Testing Office will make a judgment as to how the situation will be handled (For example, damaged test materials or blank pages).
  • In the event that a student is caught cheating, the test and all related papers will be taken from the student and the test will be invalid. The staff person who made the discovery will write a written report. A copy of the report will be given to the listed institution if appropriate and a copy will be forwarded to the student's advisor. If an incident cannot be confirmed but is strongly suspected, the student will be allowed to continue but removed from the testing room and placed in an isolated area.


  • National examinations are stored and administered according to the procedures outlined in the Supervisor's Manual for each test.
  • Retests must follow retest guidelines for placement and National tests. Appeals to this retest policy are made through the math or English departments or to the testing companies.
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Cheating Policy

Academic dishonesty is inappropriate and unacceptable behavior and will not be tolerated during tests. Academic dishonesty includes (but is not limited to) the following:

  • Copying from another person's test or sharing your own work with another examinee,
  • Offering another person's work as your own, such as having your test taken by someone else,
  • Taking a test for another person,
  • Possessing or using unauthorized materials, prepared notes, or answer keys during a test,
  • Stealing or attempting to steal a test booklet or answer key, or leaving the room with scrap paper.

Incidents of cheating require that a letter be written describing the incident; this information may be passed on to the testing agency, a student's home university, and the Dean of Students at 足彩平台.

Students may be dismissed from the testing room or may have their scores canceled if they fail to follow any of the testing instructions given by the test proctors or those outlined below:

  • Remain quiet throughout the exam. Whispering, talking, writing, or any form of communication with other students during an exam is never appropriate.
  • Remain in your chair until you finish the exam unless you have permission from a proctor to leave the room.
  • Use only materials approved by the test administrators during the exam.
  • All testing materials should remain on your desk throughout the examination.
  • Stop all work when the time has been called.
  • Turn in all examination materials (exam, answer sheet, scrap paper) before leaving the room.
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Cancellation Policy

The Testing Office is committed to offering a test schedule that fits student's personal schedules and fits the spacing and staffing capabilities of the Testing Office. Students who fail to attend scheduled testing times take away opportunities from other test takers and disrupt daily operating procedures in the Testing Office. Because of this, there is a $10 fee for students who fail to show up for a scheduled testing appointment. 足彩平台 students will have this fee applied to their student bill; non-足彩平台 students will be required to pay this fee prior to their next scheduled test time at the Testing Office. To avoid this fee, students must contact the Testing Office by phone at 262-472-5613 by 4:00 p.m. on the day prior to their scheduled exam to cancel their testing appointment. Exceptions to this policy are at the discretion of the director of the Testing Office.

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Testing Office

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Mary Poppe Chrisman Success Center Room 3011

235 North Prince Street, Whitewater, WI 53190

Contact Us

Office Phone: 262-472-5613

Email: Testing@doorbaby.com

Office Hours

Monday-Friday 8am-4pm